
The contents of this web site are offered as guidance and information purposes only. I do not

(a) make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this site;

(b) assume any liabilities with information, apparatus, methods or processes disclosed in this site. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendations for use.

The recipe contents of this site have been modified according to the author’s taste, however there are also some recipes and their pictures that are the original version. Therefore, please do e-mail me if those publishers object and want its published pictures removed from this website.

This site is not responsible for any domestic accidents, fires or food poisoning that could result from preparation of the recipe, or responsible for any kind of food borne disease.

Since, the recipes in here are my own interpretation and therefore original, feel free to use the recipes for non-profit and or personal/informational uses and note the source of the recipe. eg. “Recipes found on the web site: https://sjobdam.wordpress.com/”

But also be aware that you may be violating someone’s copyright and are doing so at your own risk and I cannot accept responsibility for any consequences.

Legal counsel has indicated to me that recipes are very difficult to copyright and are easily made yours simply be rewriting the directions in your own words. It appears that you can not copyright a list of ingredients but can copyright the paragraph or two of directions that you wrote. Of course laws may vary depending on where you’re at I suppose.

However, please DO NOT COPY any or all the recipes text and/or graphics and claim them yours. You are welcome to link my website to yours.

To the best of our knowledge, we are not violating any copyrights. We would appreciate it if you notify us of any such violations.