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Spondias dulcis (syn. Spondias cytherea), known commonly as ambarella, or jew plum is an equatorial or tropical tree, with edible fruit containing a fibrous pit. It is known by many other names in various regions, including kedondong in Indonesia and in Malaysia.

Spondias dulcis is most commonly used as a food source. In West Java, its young leaves are used as seasoning for pepes

For further reference

Nutella Brioche Flower


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For the dough

  • 500 g bread flour or all-purpose flour
  • 190 ml lukewarm milk
  • 3 tabs sugar
  • 60 g melted butter
  • 2 egg yolks (save egg white for glazing)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp dried yeast

And also…

  • Nutella chocolate paste
  • Icing (confectioner’s) sugar


  1. Mix the yeast and the sugar with the milk. Leave for 10 minutes for the yeast to activate.
  2. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat lightly.
  3. Mix the flour, salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the butter, eggs and yeast/milk. Mix to a soft dough.
  4. Knead the dough for 10 minutes then form into a ball and place in a lightly-greased bowl. Cover and leave in a warm place until the dough has about doubled in size.
  5. Meanwhile, cut out a circle of baking or greaseproof paper about 30 cm in diameter. You can use a large dinner plate as template. Place the paper on a baking sheet.
  6. Once risen, turn the dough out onto a surface, knock it back knead for 3-4 minutes. Divide the dough into 4 pieces and form each piece into a ball.
  7. Roll a ball of dough out into a circle measuring about 25 cm in diameter. The dough should be about 3-4 mm thick.
  8. Place the dough onto the baking paper and spread on a layer of Nutella, leaving a small gap at the edge. Don’t make the layer too thick but be sure to evenly cover the dough.
  9. Roll out a second ball of dough, place it on the first layer and spread with Nutella. Repeat with the third and fourth balls of dough but do NOT spread Nutella on the final layer.
  10. Cut the brioche into 16 segments but leave a small area in the centre of the dough uncut. Use a small glass to indent the centre.
  11. Take a pair of adjacent segments. Lift and twist them away from each other through 180°. Lift and twist through 180° again, then twist through 90° so that the ends are vertical. Press the edges together firmly. Repeat this process for all pairs of segments.
  12. Place the brioche in a large plastic bag or cover with lightly oiled film. Leave in a warm place for 1-2 hours to prove.
  13. Brush with the glaze then bake at 160°C/320°F fan oven, 180°C/360°F conventional oven for 20-25 minutes.
  14. Place the bread on a wire rack to cool. Once cooled, dust lightly with icing sugar.

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Almond and Orange Cake


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5 Large eggs, separated and at room temperature
250 g caster sugar
1/2 cup plain sifted flour
250 g Almond meal
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
150 ml fresh orange juice
Icing sugar for dusting
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  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C
  2. Grease 22 cm spring form pan and line with baking paper
  3. In a large bowl mix the egg yolks and sugar until pale and creamy
  4. Add the flour, almond meal, vanilla and orange juice and mix on low for 1-2 minutes until well combined
  5. In a clean bowl with clean beaters, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.
  6. Fold a third of the egg whites into the almond mixture to loosen. Fold in remaining egg whites lightly until combined
  7. Spoon mixture into the spring form and bake for 45-50 minutes or until golden brown and firm to touch in the centre.

Marble Cake II


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  1. • 5 large eggs
    • 1/2 cup and 2 tablespoons (125 grams) granulated sugar
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • Pinch of salt
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1 stick (8 tablespoons / 113 grams) butter
    • 1 cup (128 grams) all-purpose white flour
    • 4.4 oz. (125 grams) dark chocolate
    • 4.4 oz. (125 grams) white chocolate
    Directions:Beat the 5 eggs with the sugar, using an egg beater. You want the eggs to become double in volume, fluffy, and have a whitish colour. This is an important step to make the cake moist!
    The eggs are ready when they become very thick – you can actually create a ‘ribbon’ with the batter when you pour some of it with a spoon over the rest of the batter!
    Add the vanilla extract, a pinch of salt, and the baking powder to the egg mixture.  Continue mixing for a few seconds until well incorporated.
    Melt the butter (either in the microwave or in a sauce pan).
    Add the melted butter to the egg mixture while continuously stirring.
    Sift the flour over the egg mixture and gently fold all the ingredients together using a spatula, until well incorporated.
    Split the batter, equally, into 2 separate bowls. In one portion we are going to add melted dark chocolate, and the other one melted white chocolate. If you don’t like white chocolate you can skip it, or you can replace the dark chocolate with cocoa powder. You can even create your own flavours, for example, strawberry and chocolate, or green tea and white chocolate!
    2.  Making the Separate Batters
    Melt the dark chocolate and white chocolate separately.
    Preheat your oven to 360 F / 180 C.
    Add the melted dark chocolate to one portion of the batter. Then add the melted white chocolate to the other portion of the batter. Mix well.
    * Butter your cake mould, then place parchment paper in it (I am using an 8″ rectangular cake pan). The reason we need to butter the pan before the parchment paper is to get the paper to stick to the pan, otherwise, the paper will not stick! Cut the border of the parchment paper with scissors to get even borders.
    * First pour half of the white chocolate batter in the pan. Then cover it with the entire dark chocolate batter, use a spatula to spread evenly. Finally pour the rest of the white chocolate batter on top of the chocolate batter.
    * Insert the knife in the batter and move it around to create swirls.
    * Bake the cake for around 45 minutes or until it is done. It will become golden brown, and when you press the top of the cake it feels firm.
    * Remove the cake from the pan and let it cool down!

Apricot Tart


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500 g Puff Pastry
1 kg Apricots
2 tabs Sugar
2 EggsApricot Pie
200 ml Whipping Cream
1 tabs Vanilla Sugar
1 hand full of Almond slivers


1. Grease the pie form.
2. Roll out the puff pastry a little bigger as the pie form. Then fold in half and again in half, so you have a quarter of the dough.
3. This will help you to place it into the pie dish. Now place the tip of the quarter into the middle of the dish and fold open. With your thumb press the dough into the fold of the pie dish and cut off the leftovers of the dough. You can decorate the crust with the fork or add a little dough made braid. With a fork pinch the bottom of the dough, so it will not rise.
4. Step 2 Wash the apricots and take out the stone, cut them into quarters. Now put the apricots into the pie dish and sprinkle with the 2 tabs of sugar.
5. Step 3 Bake for 15 minutes at 200 C. Then add the custard mix (2 eggs, Vanilla sugar and whipping cream) , sprinkle with the almond slivers and bake for another 15 minutes.
6. Sprinkle with a little sifted icing sugar.

Tape Marble Cake


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Tape Marble Cake

200 grams unsalted butter
75 g margarine
250 grams finely granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
250 g tape cassava, puree
2 eggs
300 grams plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
100 ml santan ( coconut milk)
75 g dark cooking chocolate, melted
1/2 teaspoon chocolate paste

1. Beat the unsalted butter, margarine, granulated sugar, and salt for about 7 minutes until soft.
2. Add tape cassava. Beat until evenly mixed.
3. Add the eggs one at a time alternating with some sifted flour.
4. Add the remaining flour and baking powder sifted and fold in slowly while alternating with thick coconut milk instant solution.
5. Take 250 grams of dough. Add the dark chocolate and the melted cooking chocolate paste. Mix well.
6. Pour the batter in the baking pan  24x24x4 cm greased with margarine and sprinkled a thin flour alternating with chocolate batter. Form of marble with a skewer.
7. Bake in oven at temperature of 180 degrees Celsius for 65 minutes until cooked through.


Rujak Serut


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rujak serut


Jeruk Bali
Mango not yet ripe
Green Pawpaw


3 birds eye chilies
Pinch of Salt
150 g Gula Jawa (red palm sugar)
50 g fried peanuts
100 g pineapple (roughly grated)
1 tab Asam (Tamarind) water


  1. Roughly grate all fruit and vegetables.
  2. To make the sambal grind the chilies, Gula Jawa and salt. Add the peanuts and grind roughly.
  3. Add the pineapple and the tamarind water.
  4. Mix all the fruit and vegetables and pour over the sambal and mix evenly.
  5. Leave for about an hour. Serve cold.

Mango Charlotte


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mango charlotte


  • 1 pkt savoiardi Fingers (175 g)
  • 2 ripe mangoes
  • 1 pkt gelatine500 g cream cheese
  • 250 ml Whipping cream
  • 50 g sugar
  • 120 g pomegranate seeds


  1. Line the bottom of a spring form with baking paper. Then line the bottom with the Savoiardi fingers and also stand them up leaning on the sides of the spring form with sugared side outward.
  2. Peel the mango and cut of the flesh off from the pit. Save 1/3 in fridge and puree the rest with a wand mixer.
  3. Mix the gelatine in warm water according to directions on the packet. Mix the pureed mango with the cream cheese. Beat the whipping cream with the sugar until firm. Spoon mix through the pureed mango and cream cheese.
  4. Mix the gelatine through the mango mixture. Pour into the lined spring form.
  5. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
  6. Decorate the Charlotte with the reserved slice mango and pomegranate seeds. Remove from spring form before serving and bind a decorative ribbon around the cake.

Source: AH Allerhande

Krentenbrood –


320 cc milk or water
45o gm Flour
1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil or butter
1.5 teaspoon salt
16 gm yeast
200 gm sultanas
1.5 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon bread improver
1-3 tablespoons of gluten

Makes a beautiful sultana bread.

Ayam Goreng Serundeng


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1 whole chicken cut into 12 pieces
1 cup dessicated (grated) coconut
1 Daun salam
1 piece 1 cm Lengkuas (gallangal)
Vegetable oil for frying
Spices: (grind all)
6 kemiri (candlenut)
6 bawang merah (shallots)
3 garlic (bawang putih)
1 tablespoon ketumbar (coriander powder)
Salt to taste

Mix the chicken pieces, ground spices, daun salam, lengkuas and the coconut add a little water.
Cook all until the water is evaporated.
Heat the oil and fry chicken until golden brown.
Fry the left over spices and sprinkle over the fried chicken.
Serve with steamed white rice or nasi kuning